How To Find Workers Comp Doctors When You Need Them

Have you recently experienced a workplace injury? If so, you may need to make an appointment to see a workers' comp doctor.

Finding workers comp doctors to help you with your case can be tricky. We're here to help you simplify the process, though. Read on to learn everything you need to know about working with a workers' comp doctor.

What Is a Workers' Comp Doctor?

First, let's cover what workers' compensation doctors (sometimes referred to as workman's comp doctors) are. This is a doctor who will treat you. Provide medical records that help to support your workers' comp case. They also provide important, expert opinions on how much time you'll need to take off work, what kind of medication or long-term treatment you might need, and what the long-term or permanent ramifications of your accident might be.

A workers' comp doctor can be an important ally in getting fair compensation for your accident. If you don't find the right doctor, though, they could also cause a lot of problems and make it harder for you to get what you deserve.

Reasons to See a Workers' Comp Doctor

The primary reason to see a workers' comp doctor is, of course, to receive treatment for your injuries. They can also help you make a plan for additional treatments you might need from specialists or even surgeons.

Seeing a workers' comp doctor also helps you to begin the process of building a strong case for yourself. Without medical records from a licensed physician, it can be harder to convince an insurance provider of the severity of your injuries. This, in turn, can make it harder for you to receive fair compensation.

How to Find Workers' Comp Doctors

In many states, your employer has a network of workers' comp doctors with whom they work, and you'll need to see one of these doctors. In other states, though, you have the freedom to choose any doctor you wish. Be sure to find out what the rules are in your area before you go to the doctor's office.

It's not enough to just type "workers' compensation doctors near me" or "workers' comp doctors near me" into a search engine and visit the first person who pops up. Seeing someone outside of the preferred network (if there is one) can slow down the process and make it even harder for you to get compensated.

Choosing the Right Doctor

Whether you're choosing from a list of preferred providers or you have free reign to choose any doctor you want, there are some specific things you ought to keep in mind when vetting different candidates. They include the following:

Experience and Education

First, make sure the doctor is experienced and has knowledge of the types of injuries that you're dealing with. Find out where they went to school, too, and make sure their license is up to date and valid in your state.

Willingness to Work with Workers' Comp Patients

If the doctor is part of your employer's preferred network, you likely won't have to worry about this step. If you're choosing your own doctor, though, make sure they're willing to work with patients who are seeking treatment or an examination as part of a workers' comp case. Make sure the doctor is willing to provide you with the detailed reports. Documents you need to support your claim. In most cases, this shouldn't be a problem, especially if they're part of a preferred provider network. It's still a good idea to check, though, and ensure you can get everything you need right away.


It's imperative that your workers' comp doctor be able to see you right away, too. There's no point in finding someone who matches you "doctors who accept workers' compensation near me" search if they can't get you in for two weeks. Seeking medical care right away is essential during a workers' comp case. Failure to do so can weaken your claim.

What to Do During Your Appointment

Because your appointment with a workers' comp doctor plays such a big role in building a case and making sure you get compensated, it's important to act accordingly. Improper behavior could hinder your ability to move the case along and get the doctor to vouch for you. Here are some things you should do during your appointment:

- Be polite and friendly - Be on time or early - Be patient - Be honest about your symptoms and what you're experiencing

This last point is especially important. You should always be 100 percent honest about your symptoms and avoid exaggerating them. This could reflect negatively on you. Your case later if anyone finds out you're stretching the truth.

What Not to Do During a Workers Comp Doctor

In the same way that you need to know what to do and say during your appointment, you also need to know what not to do and what not to say to workers comp doctor. Here are some key things to avoid during your appointment:

- Do not be rude - Do not be late or skip appointments - Do not disparage your employer - Do not lie about past injuries or illnesses - Do not lie about or exaggerate the facts of your accident

If you break these rules, you will likely have a harder time convincing the doctor (who may already be more inclined to side with your employer, who has contracted them as part of their network) of the severity of your injuries.

Find a Workers Comp Doctor Today

Now that you know more about how to find workers' comp doctors, as well as what to expect and what not to say when you meet with this doctor, it's time to begin your search.

Keep the information outlined above in mind and you'll have a much easier time finding a workers' comp doctor who can help you with your case and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Do you want to learn more about workers' compensation or handling workplace injuries? If so, visit the Health section of our site today. You'll find lots of other helpful resources there.


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