Choosing Or Changing Your Doctor New York Workers Compensation Case
When you have been hurt, in any type of an accident, you want care from a qualified and competent professional. If you can get treatment from someone you know and trust, that’s even better. But you may be uncertain about your rights with respect to choosing or changing your medical caregiver for a work-related injury. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions. Q: Do I have to be examined by a doctor chosen by the workers’ compensation insurance company or my employer? A: In the state of New York, unlike many states, an injured worker has primary control over who will be the treating physician. Accordingly, you can generally seek care from any doctor who accepts the New York workers’ compensation billing schedule. As a general rule, the workers’ compensation insurance company won’t demand that you see a specific doctor, but always reserves the right to seek a second opinion. The workers’ compensation insurance company may, however, order an independent medical examination. The...